
Thursday, March 15, 2012

My name is Sarah Bess and for my first blog post (ever!) I thought I would start off by telling you a little about myself! I'm still a teenager so I live at home with my momma! My parents got a divorce a few years back and I hardly ever talk to my Dad, but my Mom and I are super close!!


We live in a little town in the middle of nowhere, the population is about 100 at the most!! If you go 25 miles one way all you have is a Wal-Mart, Maurices and a couple other shops, I you go the other way 7 mile there's a little town with about 1,400, their is a few little shops there but not to many.  It's an hour both ways if you want to do any "real" shopping at like Macy's or Dillard's.

I have two dog,  Hannah my first "official" dog and Bobbi Jo the most recent addition to the family!!! They are my baby girls and are spoiled rotten!!


Bobbi Jo!

I have always loved everything fashion and beauty related, but lately I have also go into eating more healthy and working out.  I will blog about everything from fashion and beauty to eating healthy and and getting and staying in shape.

Let the blogging begin!!

Sarah Bess

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