
Monday, January 28, 2013

Arizona Trip: Day 2!

I have been trying to keep up with blogging while being in arizona! so im slacking a little! anyway! I thought I would share some picture from sunday! we had a lazy day! we really didn't do much ha

i love palm trees! ha 

my grandma and grandpa have 2 donkeys and a couple of cows so went down and fed the donkey carrots! (i love donkeys!!)

 when we came back in Karen (close family friend) came over and we deiced to start on dinner!
the beautiful Karen
 grandma being grandma!

 recipe coming on the green beans!!

bobbi jo!

 one of my granmas many dogs "Dude"
 haley and dude, there both my grandmas

 Rex my grandpas dog, hes like 20 years old!

the beautiful sunset!

check back tomorrow for more pictures!!


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