
Friday, September 7, 2012

Clean Living: 7 Mood Foods

So I was looking around on Pinterest (I'm kinda addicted) and I found this super cool chart on "7 Foods That Beat The Blues" I thought hey! this could come in handy sometime, not only for me but maybe you guys too! So after I saw the cute chart on Pinterest I went into research mode and wanted to find out what was it about these foods that helped? Find out below! :)

1.) Stressed after a long day? Grab a piece of Chocolate: Ever feel super stressed after a long day of work or school, now you have a simple fix! Grab some chocolate preferably dark and it will help with stress.  According to a study by Francois-Pierre Martin, Sunil Kochhar and colleagues if you eat about an ounce of dark chocolate everyday for 2 weeks it helps with stress, plus its super good! Not only does dark chocolate help with stress, it can help reduce the risk of heart disease, other diseases and physical conditions as well as helping to ease emotional stress.  Now if your like me you are probably thinking "What is in it, that makes it so healthy?" well I have got an answer! Dark chocolate has a high concentration of antioxidants mainly flavonoids, this is were it comes in a helps with blood flow which in turn helps your health! Fun fact! Did you know that chocolate is actually a vegetable! Chocolate is derived from the seeds of a fleashy pod from the fruit of a Cacao tree.  The scientific name is Thembroma Cacao, which means "Food Of The Gods"

2.) Can't get going? Whip up a yummy spinach salad: Ever sitting at work or school and feeling down and sluggish? Grab a spinach salad!!  Spinach is probably one of the healthiest thing you can eat, it is loaded with vitamin K and A, vitamin K is important for bone health especially when combined with calcium and magnesium, other great thing in spinach! Vitamin A helps lower cholesterol, which is  amplified when combined with vitamin K. Plus! were not done yet! Spinach also has spades, a combination that also helps reduce inflammation, particularly in people with asthma, joint problems, and arthritis.  Spinach is also and excellent source of folate, which helps with blood health. Spinach also has magnesium in it which helps to regulate blood pressure and prevent heart disease.  When spinach is cooked it is also a excellent source of iron, which helps boost and ENERGY and metabolism.  And spinach will help with clear skin!!

3.) Feeling a little cranky? Grab the peanut butter and and apple and lets go!: If you get cranky when your hungry(like me) then this is the perfect quick snack to take with you or whip some up at home! Apple slices and peanut butter are a great snack because not only are they quick and yummy but the apple slices have natural sugars so you wont have a sugar crash and if you use a peanut butter such as Adams it real peanuts so you have lots of protein and more omega-3!

4.) Anxious about something? Try a salmon burger:  Yes! I understand not everybody likes fish(me being one of them) but for those out there that do! Try a salmon burger to help with anxiety! Salmon is packed with omega-3 which help reduce cholesterol, and reduce inflammation throughout the body which help prevent heart disease.

5.) Angry? Brew up some green tea: Green tea does pretty much everything! It helps prevent cancer, reduces the risk of heart disease, helps immune system and some researchers say it help prevent tooth decay!  Green tea is full of antioxidants and they destroy free-radicals that cause cancer.  Green tea also helps speed up your metabolism which aid in weight loss and give you energy!

6.) Feeling sad :( Grab your favorite HEALTHY cereal: If you put milk on your cereal(who doesn't?) Milk has vitamin D which promotes proper us of calcium which helps grow strong healthy bones. Milk also has vitamin A which helps regulate cell growth and keeps a healthy immune system. Along with vitamin A and D it also has vitamin B which is necessary to convert food to energy, milk also has carbohydrates which provides fuel for active adults, calcium which helps build strong bones, the protein in milk contains amino acid building blocks and three glasses of milk is about half of the daily proteins adult need. The cereal contains carbohydrates that give you energy some cereal contain more then other.

7.) PMS'ing? Have a egg salad sandwich: This one is perfect if it's "Your time of the month" Eggs are and excellent source of protein and vitamin B, not just that but the enhance bone health, help prevent development to allergies, contribute to weight loss, enhance brain activity, boost energy, and reduce blood pressure and thats just a little of what they do! If you make it on whole grain bread its even better for you, whole grain are packed with vitamins B, antioxidants, and trace minerals. Whole grains have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, and some forms of cancer.

So what do your think!? if you have any foods you go to when your in a mood let me know in the comments below! :) 

Sarah Bess

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